

We design the most efficient strategy for submitting and managing your subsidies, incentives, and grants. We customize our services to meet your requirements and offer specific knowledge at any time during the project’s cycle.

We are a one-stop solution provider for Government subsidies, incentives and grants. With you, we design an efficient strategy for the submission and management of your grants and incentive applications. We customize our services to your requirements and offer specific capabilities at any time in the development process.

What We do:

We aid Start-ups, SMEs, MSME and large units in receiving monitoring and executing successful applications for subsidies and receiving the assistance they require. We have a long-standing reputation as a top-of-the-line grant and incentives consultant. We have specialized knowledge of subsidy and know-how. Contact us for a meeting an informal, non-committal meeting!

Check on eligibility under applicable subsidy policy:

We identify subsidy opportunities, define and map project ideas and match realistic subsidy programs to your activities.

Support and hand holding throughout the process

We offer tailor-made support to complement your expertise, such as partner searches, supporting audits and/or inspection visits by granting authorities, training and coaching of project managers, supporting contract negotiations with authorities and/or between project partners.

Application for Subsidy and incentives:

We take care of the application process: delivery of best-in-class proposals, submission of the proposal and guiding the evaluation process.

Project management and reporting:

During the project, we coordinate the project (consortium), take care of technical, financial, and administrative reporting, and follow-up on the progress.

i) Central & State Incentives:

Sr No Subsidy Scheme Name Ministry Description Visiting link to know more Applicability
1 Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS) Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India Scheme Summary/key features: ATUFS scheme will provide one-time capital subsidy for investments in employment and technology intensive segments of textile value chain keeping in view promotion of exports and import substitution. This is a credit linked scheme and projects for technology upgradation covered by a prescribed limit of term loans sanctioned by the lending agencies only will be eligible for grant of benefits under the scheme. Second hand machinery will not be eligible. The scheme will be effective till 31 March 2022. Eligibility: Only those entities that fall under the following sectors are eligible to apply:
  • Weaving, Weaving Preparatory and Knitting
  • Processing of fibres, yarns, fabrics, garments and made up
  • Handloom Sector
  • Silk Sector
  • Jute Sector
  • Garment/Made up manufacturing
  • Technical textiles
Amount or Percentage of Subsidy: For Garmenting and technical textiles segment the rate of Capital-Intensive Subsidy is 15% of eligible machines subject to a cap of Rs.30 Crore per individual entity. Weaving for brand-new shuttle less looms processing jute silk and handlooms -10% on eligible machines subject to a cap of Rs.20 Crore to individual entity. Composite unit/ multiple segment -If the eligible capital investment in respect of garmenting and technical textile category is more than 50% of the eligible project cost the subsidy is 15% on eligible machines subject to a cap of Rs.30 Crore. If it is less than 50% of eligible project cost the subsidy is 10% of eligible machines with a cap of Rs.20 Crore Central
2 Integrated Development of Leather Sector (IDLS) Scheme Ministry of Commerce & Industry Govt.of India through Council for Leather Exports(CLE) Scheme summary/key features: IDLS Scheme provides investment grant for modernization, technology up gradation and capacity expansion in all segments of the leather industry. The scheme provides financial assistance @ 30% of the cost of plant and machinery for SSI units and 20% of the cost of the plant and machinery for Non-SSI units, subject to a ceiling of Rs.200 lakh (@ 20% to all units above the assistance of Rs.50 Lakh). The IDLS Scheme is implemented through multiple agencies The DIPP has taken a decision that the financial assistance / investment grant under the IDLS Scheme would be approved for tanneries operating in all parts of the country, subject to submission of certificate from Department of Industries of State Government / State Pollution Control Board regarding compliance of environmentally sound waste water management by the applicant unit(s). Eligibility: All existing units in leather footwear and accessories industries including tanneries leather goods saddlery, leather footwear non leather footwear and footwear component sector having cash profits for 2 years undertaking viable and bankable programmes on technology upgradation on or after 1st January 2016, Amount or Percentage of subsidy: Back end subsidy as mentioned in scheme summary above Central
3 Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology Upgradation (CLCSS) Ministry of MSME,Govt.of India Scheme summary: The Scheme aims at facilitating Technology Upgradation of Micro and Small Enterprises by providing 15% capital subsidy [ceiling of 15 lakh] on institutional finance availed by them for induction of well-established and improved technology in approved sub-sectors/products. The admissible capital subsidy is calculated with reference to purchase price of Plant and Machinery. Maximum limit of eligible loan for calculation of subsidy is 100 lakh. Operational Procedure under CLCSS scheme is now online and a paperless process Eligibility: Small and micro-enterprises that belong to -sub-sectors specified by the Ministry of MSME will be deemed eligible for this subsidy scheme.
  • Both new and existing enterprises can avail subsidy under this scheme.
  • Small and micro-enterprises based in semi-urban and rural areas with a valid UAM number are also eligible.
  • Typically, the enterprises include – sole-proprietorship, private limited companies, tiny industries, khadi, coir units, partnerships, village industries, etc.
Banks and financial institutions can apply to DC-MSME for availing support. MSMEs need to directly contact the respective banks for getting credit and capital subsidy. Amount or Percentage of subsidy: According to the revised CLSS scheme, an extra 10% subsidy is extended to entrepreneurs who belong to the SC/ST category and hail from the selected districts of the North-East or other hilly terrains. Central
4 Technology & Quality Upgradation Support for MSMEs (TEQUP) GMinistry of MSME, Govt. of India Scheme summary/key features: Cost of energy is an important component of the cost structure in any manufacturing process. As such, to reduce production costs and remain competitive, MSMEs need to focus on economising on energy use. The first objective of the present Scheme is to sensitize the manufacturing MSME sector in India to the use of energy efficient technologies and manufacturing processes so as to reduce cost of production and the emissions of GHGs. Activities under the scheme are: I. Capacity Building of MSME Clusters for Energy Efficiency/Clean Development Interventions and other technologies mandated as per the global standards. ii. Implementation of Energy Efficient Technologies (EET) in MSME units. iii. Setting up of Carbon Credit Aggregation Centres (CCA) for introducing and popularising clean development mechanism (CDM) in MSME clusters. iv. Encouraging MSMEs to acquire product certification/ licences from National/International bodies and adopt other technologies mandated as per the global standards. v. Study of Impact of the scheme, administrative and other miscellaneous items. Eligibility: MSME clusters identified Amount or percentage of subsidy: Towards organizing the awareness programmes, the Government of India will provide financial support to the extent of 75% of the actual expenditure, subject to maximum Rs.75,000/ - per programme (Average cost of one programme is expected to be Rs. 80,000). The Government of India will provide financial support to the extent of 25% of the project cost for implementation of Energy Efficient Technologies (EET), as per the approved DPR. The maximum amount of GOI assistance from the scheme will be Rs.10 lakhs (Average subsidy for one EET project is estimated to be Rs. 5.0 lakh). For setting up CCA centres The Govt. of India will provide financial support to the extent of 75% of the actual expenditure, subject to a maximum Rs.15 lakh for establishing each of these centres. (Average cost of setting up of one CCA is expected to be Rs. 15.0 lakh). The remaining expenditure will have to be met by the implementing agency/ SPV through collection of users’ charge For acquiring product certification licences from national/international bodies MSME manufacturing units will be provided subsidy to the extent of 75% of the actual expenditure, towards licensing of product to National/International Standards. The maximum GOI assistance allowed per MSME is Rs.1.5 lakh (Average Rs. 0.75 lakh) for obtaining product licensing /Marking to National Standards and Rs. 2.0 lakh (Average Rs. 1.50 lakh) for obtaining product licensing /Marking to International standards Central
5 Government Subsidy for Small Business for Cold Chain Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India Scheme summary/key features: The objective of the scheme of Cold Chain, Value Addition and Preservation Infrastructure is to provide integrated cold chain and preservation infrastructure facilities without any break from the farm gate to the consumer. It covers pre-cooling facilities at production sites, reefer vans, mobile cooling units as well as value addition centres which includes infrastructural facilities like Processing/Multi-line Processing/ Collection Centres, etc. for horticulture, organic produce, marine, dairy, meat and poultry etc. Eligibility: Individual, Groups of Entrepreneurs, Cooperative Societies, Self Help Groups (SHGs), Farmers Producer Organizations (FPOs), NGOs, Central/State PSUs etc. with business interest in Cold Chain solutions are eligible to setup integrated cold chain and preservation infrastructure and avail grant under the Scheme Amount of subsidy or percentage: For storage infrastructure including Pack House and Pre cooling unit, ripening chamber and transport infrastructure, grant-in-aid @ 35% for General Areas and @ 50% for North East States, Himalayan States, Islands & ITDP Areas, of the total cost of plant & machinery and technical civil works will be provided. (b) For value addition and processing infrastructure including frozen storage/ deep freezers associated and integral to the processing, grant-in-aid @ 50% for General Areas and @ 75% for North East States, Himalayan States, Islands & ITDP Areas, will be provided. (c) For irradiation facilities grant-in-aid will be provided @ 50% for General Areas and @ 75% for North East States, Himalayan States, Islands & ITDP Areas Central
6 Extension of Financial Assistance to Coir units in the Brown Fibre sector Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India Scheme summary/key features: The Coir Board runs a scheme for financial assistance to the coir units in the brown fibre sector. Eligibility: Coir Units desiring to avail of the assistance under the scheme should be registered with the Coir Board under the Coir Industry (R&L) Rules 1958 and also with the Industries Department of the State in which the Unit is located. Assistance under the scheme will be extended only to units outside the cooperative fold. The Units for extraction of coir fibre / spinning of coir yarn should be located in areas with adequate availability of coconut husk / coir fibre. Amount or percentage of subsidy: The rate of financial assistance under the scheme is 25% of the cost of equipment and infrastructural facilities subject to certain ceiling limits based on the type of unit Central
7 Scheme for Extension of Financial Assistance for Generator Set / Diesel Engine Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India Scheme summary/key features: The purpose of the scheme is to give one-time subsidy to fibre/ curled coir production units in the brown fibre sector to carry out production at periods of power cut/ low voltage and to ensure supply of brown fibre and curled coir to meet the requirements of rubberized coir products, coir rope, yarn and mats and matting sectors. Eligibility: The units which satisfy the following are only eligible for subsidy under the scheme.
  • The unit should have a valid registration with the Coir Board under the Coir Industry (R & L) Rules 1958
  • The unit should have a final SSI registration with the Industries Department of the State concerned.
  • The unit should produce a No Objection Certificate from the State Electricity Board for installation of generator set as per rules in the State concerned.
  • The capacity of generator set should be subject to the requirement of the unit as specified in the registration certificate.
  • A three phase power supply should be available in the unit
  • The application for generator subsidy should be recommended by the General Manager, DIC.
  • The unit should obtain a clearance to the proposal in advance from the Regional Officer of the Coir Board concerned to the State.
Amount or Percentage of subsidy: The quantum of subsidy for one unit will be 25% of the cost of generator set subject to a maximum of 50000/-. This will be a onetime financial assistance and will be granted on the basis of expenditure incurred by the unit Central
8 Marketing Assistance Scheme by NSIC Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India Scheme summary/key features The marketing assistance scheme provides assistance for the following activities:
  • Organisation of exhibitions abroad and participation in international exhibitions/ trade fairs
  • Co-sponsoring of exhibitions organised by other organisations/industry associations/ agencies;
  • Organising buyer-seller meets, intensive campaigns and marketing promotion activities.
Eligibility: MSMEs, Industry Associations and other organisations related to MSME sector are eligible to apply. Amount or percentage of subsidy:
  • The maximum net budgetary support for participating in an international exhibition/trade fair would normally be restricted to an overall ceiling of Rs. 30 lakh per event (Rs. 40 lakh for Latin American countries).
  • The budget for organizing the Domestic Exhibitions/Trade Fair would depend upon the various components of the expenditure, i.e. space rental including construction and fabricating charges, theme pavilion, advertisement, printing material, transportation etc. However, the budgetary support towards net expenditure for organizing such exhibition/trade fair would normally be restricted to a maximum amount of Rs. 45 lakhs. The corresponding budgetary limit for participation in an exhibition/trade fair shall be Rs. 15 lakh
  • Financial assistance will be provided ranging from 25% to 95% of the Air-Fare and space rent to entrepreneurs on the basis of size and type of the enterprise. Financial assistance for co-sponsoring an event would be limited to 40% of the net expenditure, subject to a maximum amount of 5 lakh. Central
9 ISO 9000/ISO 14001 Certification Reimbursement Scheme Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India Scheme Summary/key features: The scheme provides incentives to those SMEs/ancillary undertakings who have acquired ISO 9000/ISO 14001/HACCP certification. The scheme is enlarged so as to include reimbursement of expenses for acquiring ISO 14001 certification.Eligibility: Permanent registered micro and small enterprises (MSEs) are eligible to avail the incentive scheme. The scheme is applicable to those MSEs/ancillary/SSSB units who have already acquired ISO-9000/ISO-14001/ HACCP certification. Amount or percentage of subsidy: The scheme envisages reimbursement of charges for acquiring ISO-9000/ISO- 14001/HACCP certification to the extent of 75% of expenditure subject to a maximum of Rs.75,000 in each case. Central
10 Marketing support/Assistance to MSMEs (Bar code) Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India Scheme summary/key features: Under this scheme the Ministry conducts seminars and reimburses registration fees for bar coding in order to encourage MSEs to use bar-codes.The basic objective of this scheme is to enhance the Marketing competitiveness of Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs Eligibility: Those MSEs who have Entrepreneurial Memorandum Part- II acknowledgement number from Directorate of Industries/ District Industries Centres and also have registration with GS1 India for use of Bar Codes are eligible Amount or percentage of subsidy: 75% of one-time registration fee and annual recurring fee (for first three years) paid by MSEs to GS1 India (GS1 India, an autonomous body under Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. Central
11 Support for Entrepreneurial and managerial development of SMEs Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India Scheme summary/key features: The Scheme provides early stage funding for nurturing innovative business ideas (new indigenous technology, processes, products, procedure etc.) which could be commercialized in a year. The main objective is to promote development of knowledge-based innovative ventures and to improve the competitiveness and survival instincts of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Eligibility: Any individual or MSME with innovative ideas ready for commercialisation can apply to the host institution (e.g., IITs, NITs, technical colleges, research institutes, etc.) in order to obtain fund support. See the list of host institutions at following web address: Any technical institution (as given in the EoI) that wants to become a host institution can apply to the office of the Development Commissioner-MSME or their nearest MSME-DI for funding support. Amount or percentage of subsidy: Funding support for setting up of ‘Business Incubators (BI)’: The cost may vary from Rs 4 to 8 lakh for each incubatee/idea, subject to overall ceiling of Rs 62.5 lakh for each BI. a) Upgradation of infrastructure Rs 2.50 lakh b) Orientation/training Rs 1.28 lakh c) Administrative expenses Rs 0.22 lakh Total assistance per BI Rs 66.50 lakh Around 10 ideas will be incubated by the BI All India
12 Lean Manufacturing competitiveness schemes for MSMEs Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India Scheme summary/key features: The objectives of the Scheme are to enhance the manufacturing competitiveness of MSMEs through the application of various Lean Manufacturing (LM) techniques Under the Scheme, MSMEs will be assisted in reducing their manufacturing costs, through proper personnel management, better space utilization, scientific inventory management, improved processed flows, reduced engineering time and so on. LMCS also brings improvement in the quality of products and lowers costs, which are essential for competing in national and international markets. Awareness programmes and workshops are being organized to create awareness among the entrepreneurs and motivated to form mini clusters comprising of 6 to 10 units. Lean Management consultants will work with the specially formed team Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)/Distinct Product Group (DPG) for Lean Management in the unit for 18 months. Eligibility: Industry associations / Group of approx. 10 MSME units which qualify under MSME-Development Act, 2006 willing to form SPV (Mini Cluster) Amount or percentage of subsidy: A financial support by the Government of India up to a maximum of 80% of the Consultant fees for each Mini Cluster will be provided. Remaining 20% is to be borne by the beneficiaries MSME units. Central
13 Prime Minister Employment Generation programme(PMEGP) Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India Scheme summary/key features: PMEGP is a credit-linked subsidy programme. The scheme contributes significantly to create job opportunities and boost the social and economic growth of the country. The scheme is implemented by Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) functioning as the nodal agency at the national level. At the state level, the scheme is implemented through State KVIC Directorates, State Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIBs), District Industries Centres (DICs) and banks. In such cases KVIC routes government subsidy through designated banks for eventual disbursal to the beneficiaries / entrepreneurs directly into their bank accounts. Eligibility: Any individual, above 18 years of age. At least VIII standard pass for projects costing above Rs.10 lakh in the manufacturing sector and above Rs. 5 lakhs in the business / service sector. Only new projects are considered for sanction under PMEGP. Self Help Groups (including those belonging to BPL provided that they have not availed benefits under any other Scheme), Institutions registered under Societies Registration Act,1860; Production Co-operative Societies, and Charitable Trusts are also eligible. Amount or percentage of subsidy: The maximum cost of the project/unit admissible in manufacturing sector is ₹ 25 lakhs and in the business/service sector, it is ₹ 10 lakhs. Categories of Beneficiary’s Rate of subsidy under PMEGP (of project cost) Area (location of project/unit) General category 15%(Urban), 25%(Rural), Special 25%(Urban), 35%(Rural) (including SC/ ST/ OBC/ Minorities/Women, Ex-servicemen, Physically handicapped, NER, Hill and Border areas, etc.) The balance amount of the total project cost will be provided by the banks in the form of term loan and working capital. Central
14 Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks (SITP) Government of India, Ministry of Textiles (MoT) Scheme summary/Key features: The scheme is for the period of three years i.e., from April 01, 2017 to March 31, 2020.The primary objective of the Scheme is to provide financial assistance to a group of entrepreneurs to establish state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities in a cluster for setting up their textile units, conforming to international environmental and social standards and thereby mobilize private investment in the textile sector and generate fresh employment opportunities. The government is considering a plan to set up 1,000-acre mega textile parks as it revamps the Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP) whose slow progress is attributed to delay in obtaining land and other statutory clearances from state governments and slow fund mobilisation by the textile parks. Launched in 2005, the scheme aims to provide industry with state-of-the-art world-class infrastructure facilities for setting up their textile units. Each Integrated Textile Park (ITP) under the scheme would normally have 50 units. The number of entrepreneurs and the resultant investments in each ITP could vary from project to project. Under the SITP, infrastructure facilities for setting up of textile units are developed in a Public-Private- Partnership (PPP) model. Eligibility: Industry Associations, Groups of Entrepreneurs and Agencies of the State Governments would be the main promoters of the Integrated Textile Parks (ITPs). At each ITP, there would be a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) formed by the representatives of local Industry, Financial Institutions, State industrial and infrastructural corporations, and other agencies of State and Central Governments. The SPV shall invariably be a Corporate Body registered under the Companies Act. The net worth of each promoter should not be less than 1.5 times of his/her total equity proposed in the project. Any other structure for the SPV would require the approval of the Project Approval Committee. Amount or percentage of subsidy: The Government of India grants up to 40% of the project cost. However, it grants up to 90% of the project cost for the first two projects (each) in the North Eastern States, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Union Territory of Jammu Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh. The government’s support is limited to Rs. 40 crores for each textile park. Central
15 In-situ Upgradation of Plain Power looms Government of India, Ministry of Textiles (MoT) Scheme summary/key features: The prime objective of the scheme is to upgrade existing plain looms to semi-automatic/shuttle-less looms to improve quality and productivity of the fabric being produced by way of fixing certain additional attachments/kits and enable them to face the competition in domestic and international markets, by way of providing financial assistance to economically weaker low-end power loom units. The scheme came into operation from 1st April 2017 and will be up to 31st March 2020. Eligibility: A Power loom unit having power loom permit / Acknowledgement against Information Memorandum issued by Regional Office of the Textile Commissioner for installation of the Power looms (or) SSI registration (or) Udyog Aadhar Memorandum (or) Electricity bill for the unit address/name of the owner are provided, is eligible for assistance under the scheme. Power loom unit having a maximum 08 (eight) existing plain power looms, as per Power loom Permit / Acknowledgement are only eligible for availing the benefit under the scheme. Priority would be given to units having less than 4 looms. A unit should have electricity bill in its name or in the name of the owner of the unit or if the premises is on rental basis necessary power sharing agreement between lessor and lessee. Amount or percentage of subsidy: The applicant will be eligible for
  • For in-situ up-gradation of subsidy: the existing plain power looms to Semi- automatic shuttle looms/attachment of dobby, jacquard/pirn winding machine.
  • For in-situ up-gradation of existing upgraded semi -automatic shuttle looms to shuttle-less rapier looms and
  • For in-situ up-gradation of existing plain power looms directly to shuttler-less rapier looms Central
16 Group Work shed Scheme (GWS) Government of India, Ministry of Textiles (MoT) Scheme Summary/Key features: The Government of India has implemented the Group Work shed Scheme to simplify the establishment of work sheds in a new cluster or upgrade an existing cluster.  The scheme is operative from 1st April, 2017 and would be for a duration up to 31 March, 2020. According to Group Work shed Scheme, only 40% of the loomage would be accepted under weaving preparatory like Sectional warping machine, Sizing machine, etc. This 40% loomage will also comprise of areas for common facilities such as sample display room, testing lab, office and worker’s Amenities. The beneficiary is permitted to avail infrastructure benefits like:
  • Internal Road can be laid to the extent of up to 10% of the expenditure provided.
  • A total number of four sheds or more will be provided, and a minimum of one of these sheds will be proposed for the house of weavers with or without power looms.
The beneficiaries are not generally eligible for any infrastructure benefits under other schemes of Ministry of Textiles apart from the Group Work shed Scheme. Eligibility: The beneficiaries eligible to apply for this Scheme includes Weavers and Entrepreneurs associated with power-looms units, including master weavers, registered co-operative societies of power-loom weavers or any new entrepreneurs individually or in a group. A group of individuals applying towards claiming benefits under Group Work shed Scheme should consist of a minimum of four weavers or entrepreneurs having a separate legal entity. Inside the Work shed either 48 modern looms (automatic/ single width shuttle-less looms) or 24 wider-width shuttle-less looms with four persons in a group are to be installed. Each beneficiary should have at least four looms. Only machinery which are TUFS (Technology Up-gradation Fund Scheme) compatible can be installed. Amount or percentage of subsidy: The Group Work shed Scheme also provides its beneficiaries with land and construction cost at Subsidized prices. This is depicted in the table shown below: Central
17 Yarn Bank Scheme Ministry of Textiles Govt, of India Scheme summary/key features: To provide interest free corpus fund to Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) / Consortium to enable them to purchase yarn at wholesale rate and give the yarn at reasonable price to the small weavers. To avoid middle man/ local supplier’s brokerage charge on sales of yarn. .Eligibility: Minimum 11 members required to form Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). The Members of SPV should be Power loom Weavers, Master Weavers, Co-operative Societies, Private Entrepreneurs, NGO’s working for Power loom Sector. SPV has to provide Bank Guarantee to the extent of 25% of Govt. of India share. SPV shall arrange their own fund equal to Government contribution. SPV shall rotate the corpus fund including their contribution at least 4 – 5 times in a year. Amount or percentage of subsidy: Government shall provide interest free corpus fund of maximum Rs 200 Lakh per yarn bank to SPV/Consortium. Central
18 Common Facility Centre (CFC) Government of India, Ministry of Textiles (MoT) Scheme summary/key features: The scheme is operative from 1st April, 2017 and would be for a duration up to 31 March, 2020.The Under Comprehensive Scheme for Power loom Sector Development one of the scheme is Common Facility Centre (CFC) and the objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance for setting-up of Common Facility Centres such as design centre / studio, testing facilities, training centre, information cum trade centre and common raw material / yarn / sales depot, water treatment plant for industrial use, dormitory, workers’ residential space, common pre-weaving facilities viz. yarn dyeing, warping & sizing, twisting etc., and post weaving facilities viz. processing, etc. Eligibility: Minimum 11 members required to form Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). The Members of SPV should be Power loom Weavers, Master Weavers, Co-operative Societies, Private Entrepreneurs, NGO’s working for Power loom Sector. SPV shall have Own Land/Building (or) Leased Land/Building registered in favour of SPV for minimum period of 10 Years. Only TUFS compatible machineries to be />br /> Amount or percentage of subsidy: Government shall provide subsidy of maximum Rs 200 Lakh per CFC Central
19 Pradhan Mantri Credit scheme for Power loom Weavers Government of India, Ministry of Textiles (MoT) Scheme Summary/key features: The scheme is operative from 1st April, 2017 and would be for a duration up to 31 March, 2020The Scheme was launched to support the establishment of power loom units across the country. Through this scheme, financial assistance will be provided to decentralized power loom units or weavers. To provide financial assistance through Margin Money Subsidy and interest reimbursement as against the credit facility (term loan) availed under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) to the decentralised power loom units/weavers. Margin Money Subsidy as against the credit facility (term loan) availed under Stand-up India scheme by the SC, ST & Women Entrepreneur of the decentralised power looms units/weavers to meet their credit requirements such as for investment needs (Term Loan) and working capital etc. Eligibility: Existing individual power loom units (or) New individual / group enterprises involved in weaving activity. Amount or percentage of subsidy: Under this scheme, the Central Government will provide margin money subsidy of up to twenty per cent of the project cost with a cover of Rs 1,00,000 as well as interest subsidy at 6% per cent per annum for working capital, and a term loan of up to Rs 10,00,000 for a maximum period of five years. Central
20 Solar Energy Scheme for Power looms Government of India, Ministry of Textiles (MoT) Scheme Summary/key features: To provide financial assistance/capital subsidy for installation of On Grid Solar Photo Voltaic Plant (without Battery back -up) and Off Grid Solar Photo Voltaic Plant (with Battery back-up) by small power loom units to attain sustainable development goal of Government and to give thrust to renewable energy. Eligibility: Power loom units having up to 8 Looms. Power loom permit / Acknowledgment issued by the concerned Regional Office of the Textile Commissioner. Units should have shade free roof top/ area. Amount or percentage of subsidy: The subsidy will be provided to both credit-linked and non-credit linked solar projects. The subsidy will be released only for the installation of a solar project for running power loom units and not for individual components Central
21 Grant-in-Aid and Modernisation & Upgradation of Power loom Service Centres (PSCs) Government of India, Ministry of Textiles (MoT) Scheme Summary/key features: A comprehensive scheme is launched as the Comprehensive Scheme for Power loom Sector Development and the same came into effect on 1st April, 2017 and would be for a duration up to 31 March, 2020. 15 Power loom Service Centres under Office of the Textile Commissioner (Tx.C), 26 Textile Research Associations (TRAs) and 6 State Govt. offer various services like training, sample testing, design development, consultancy, conducting seminar/ workshop, etc. to the power loom sector on behalf of the Government. The Govt. assistance will be provided for modernization and upgrading the Power loom Service Centres with the facilities which are required in the cluster. This would include improving testing facilities and also installing modern looms to create awareness of the latest available technologies and provide training. Further, the Power loom Service Centres would also be provided with Preparatory machines, testing instruments, Sewing machines for Garment and Apparel, Embroidery Machines, Design Development facilities etc. Eligibility: Power loom service centres Amount or percentage of subsidy: Grant-in-Aid (GIA) is provided to the PSCs of TRAs/ State Govt. agencies for the recurring expenses for running the PSCs Central
22 Modified Comprehensive Power Loom Cluster Development Scheme (MCPCDS Government of India, Ministry of Textiles (MoT) Scheme Summary/key features: Comprehensive Power loom Cluster Development Scheme (MCPCDS) was established to develop Erode (Tamil Nadu) and Bhiwandi (Maharashtra) as Power loom Mega Clusters. This helps in creating world-class infrastructure to integrate the production chain and to reach the fulfilment of business needs of the local and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The scheme intends to enhance the existing brownfield clusters that require a gap filling exercise for each cluster to identify the need-based infrastructure that has to be funded. Develop clusters that have a concentration of about 5000 decentralized Power looms or more by assistance for infrastructure, common facilities and other need-based innovations, technology upgradation and skill development. Eligibility: Common Facility Centres (CFCs) for pre and post weaving process, Mini-Industrial Parks with Work sheds supported by Core Infrastructure, Innovative Ideas and other need-based interventions. Amount or percentage of subsidy: Matching investment in the ratio of Government (60): Private (40). Government of India provides subsidy of 60% of the project cost with maximum ceiling up to Rs 50 crore. Central
23 Integrated Processing Development Scheme (IPDS) Government of India, Ministry of Textiles (MoT) Scheme Summary/key features: This scheme is designed to counter challenges such as non-availability of water for processing and environmental pollution caused by the discharge of untreated effluents. Considering the widespread prevalence of small and medium enterprises in this sector, IPDS will develop parks with common facilities such as effluent treatment plants and water supply systems that can be used by clusters of processing units. The focus areas are: Adequate and timely supply of water, Wastewater management and Safe treatment of effluents before disposal Eligibility: The eligible projects under the scheme would cover the following:
  • Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP),
  • Captive power generation on technology preferably renewable/green technology,
  • Infrastructure such as storm water management, necessary roads and pipelines for water & wastewater and
  • Facility for testing and R&D centres.
Amount or percentage of subsidy: The project cost shall be borne by the Centre, State, Beneficiary, Bank loan in the ratio of 50:25:15:10 respectively. The release will be made as per the following:
  • Beneficiary contribution through equity of 15 percent of project cost shall be brought up front
  • 10 percent funding to be arranged through Bank Loans 25 percent contribution of State Government at the time of release of 2nd instalment of GOI Grant released.
  • The GOI grant (50% of the total Project cost) shall be released in 3 instalments –
  • 50 percent of the GOI grant to be released initially after beneficiary contribution (1st instalment)
  • 30 percent of the GOI grant once the plant is operational (2nd instalment)
  • 20 percent GOI grant once the plant has been run for 3 years (3rd instalment) Central
24 SAMPADA (Scheme for Agro-Marine Processing and Development of Agro Processing Clusters) Government of India, Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) Scheme Summary/key features: Central Sector Scheme – SAMPADA (Scheme for Agro-Marine Processing and Development of Agro-Processing Clusters) was approved by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) in 2017. This umbrella scheme has now been renamed as the “Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY). PM Kisan SAMPADA Yojana is a comprehensive package which will result in creation of modern infrastructure with efficient supply chain management from farm gate to retail outlet. It will not only provide a big boost to the growth of food processing sector in the country but also help in providing better returns to farmers and is a big step towards doubling of farmers income, creating huge employment opportunities especially in the rural areas, reducing wastage of agricultural produce, increasing the processing level and enhancing the export of the processed foods. The following schemes will be implemented under PM Kisan SAMPADA Yojana:
  • Mega Food Parks
  • Integrated cold chain and value-added infrastructure
  • Creation/expansion of food processing
  • Infrastructure for Agro processing clusters
  • Creation of backward and forward linkages
  • Food safety and quality assurance infrastructure
  • Human resources and institutions
Amount or percentage of subsidy: The pattern of assistance can be seen under each scheme mentioned in the scheme guidelines Central
25 Market Development Assistance Scheme for Micro/ Small manufacturing enterprises/ Small & Micro exporters (SSI-MDA) Government of India, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Scheme Summary/key features:
  • The scheme was launched to encourage Small & Micro exporters in their efforts at tapping and developing overseas markets.
  • To increase participation of representatives of small/ micro manufacturing enterprises under MSME India stall at International Trade Fairs/ Exhibitions.
  • To enhance export from the small/ micro manufacturing enterprises (iv) To popularise the adoption of Bar Coding on a large scale.
Eligibility: Unit having valid permanent registration with Directorate of Industries/ District Industries Centre, Amount or percentage of subsidy:
  • Participation by manufacturing Small & Micro Enterprises in International Trade Fairs/ Exhibitions under MSME India stall- up to 75% in respect of to and fro air fare for participation by MSME Entrepreneurs in overseas fairs/trade delegations
  •       Sector specific market studies by Industry Associations/ Export Promotion Councils/ Federation of Indian Export Organization- funding for producing publicity material (up to 25% of costs) Sector specific studies (up to Rs. 2 lakhs)
  •     Initiating/ contesting anti‐dumping cases by SSI Associations- 50% up to INR 1 lakh
  •     Reimbursement of 75% of one-time registration fee (w.e.f. 1st. Januar2002) (Under MDA Scheme) and 75% of annual fees (recurring) (w.e.f. Ist June 2007) (Under NMCP Scheme) paid to GSI (Formerly EAN India) by Small & Micro units for the first three years for bar code Central
26 Micro & Small Enterprises – Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP Government of India, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Scheme Summary/key features:
  • To support the sustainability and growth of MSEs by addressing common issues such as improvement of technology, skills and quality, market access, access to capital, etc.
  • To build capacity of MSEs for common supportive action through formation of self- help groups, consortia, upgradation of associations, etc.
  • To create/upgrade infrastructural facilities in the ne/existing industrial areas/ clusters of MSEs, including setting up of Flatted Factory Complexes.
  • To set up common facility centres (for testing, training centre, raw material depot, effluent treatment, complementing production processes, etc.)
Eligibility: The projects sanctioned under erstwhile SICDP (renamed MSE-CDP) and Integrated Infrastructural Development (IID) schemes will also be eligible for financial support issued under the scheme as per earlier approvals. Amount or percentage of subsidy: The financial assistances for various interventions are: -
  •  Preparation of Diagnostic Study Report with Government of India (GoI) grant of maximum Rs 2.50 lakh. For the field organizations (MSME-Dis) of the Ministry of MSME, this will be Rs 1.00 lakh.
  •  Soft Interventions with GoI grant of 75% of the sanctioned amount of the maximum project cost of Rs 25.00 lakh per cluster. For NE & Hill States, Clusters with more than 50% (a) micro/ village (b) women owned (c) SC/ST units, the GoI grant will be 90%.
  •  Detailed Project Report (DPR) with GoI grant of maximum Rs 5.00 lakh for preparation of a technical feasibility and viability project report.
  •  Hard Interventions in the form of tangible assets like Common Facility Centre having machinery and equipment for critical processes, research and development, testing, etc. with GoI grant up to 70% of the cost of project of maximum Rs 15.00 crore. For NE & Hill States, Clusters with more than 50% (a) micro/ village (b) women owned (c) SC/ST units, the GoI grant will be 90%.
  •  Infrastructure Development with GoI grant up to 60% of the cost of project of Rs 10.00 crore, excluding cost of land. GoI grant will be 80% for projects in NE & Hill States, industrial areas/ estates with more than 50% (a) micro (b) women owned (c) SC/ST units. Central
27 Digital MSME” Scheme for promotion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in MSME Sector Government of India DC(MSME), Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Scheme Summary/key features: The main objective of scheme is to make MSMEs digitally empowered and motivate them to adopt ICT tools and applications in their production & business processes with a view to improve their competitiveness in national and international mark. Besides this, it aims to empower and enable MSMEs to harness IT as a medium of communication to revamp access to the markets to update their managerial and technical knowledge though online content-both static and dynamic and to evolve internal efficiencies by way of intense ICT intake and This scheme is a component of Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology Up-gradation (CLCS- TU) automating procedure for cost reduction and capacity enhancement for information access, processing, collaboration and dissemination.The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has released new guidelines for the “Digital MSME” Scheme for promotion of Information & Communication Technology in MSME Sector. This scheme is a component of Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology Up-gradation (CLCS- TU) According to the new guidelines, the main components of the scheme would include Awareness Program and Work Shop, Development of e-Platform, Development of software/Apps for MSMEs, Digital Literacy and e-marketing, Training to MSME officials, MSMEs, Professionals etc., This scheme is a component of Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology Up-gradation (CLCS- TU) Digital Empowerment through Enterprise Development Centre (EDC), Assistance for IT infrastructure to various Implementing Agencies (IA) up to Rs.10 lakhs per IA, Futuristic developments, Publicity, Branding and Mobilization, impact Assessment and Survey including Data Analytics and Miscellaneous Expenses. Eligibility:
  • Udyog Aadhar memorandum number
  • MSME must pay for the services provided
  • Selection will be based on first come first serve plan
  • Financial stability, Product ability, export, the scope for advancement shall be considered.
Amount or percentage of subsidy:
  • Awareness activities and workshops
  • Could Computing- this service will be provided in three layers
  • With subsidy- Maximum of Rs 1 lakh for 2 years
  • Without subsidy- services from the cloud at very low cost
  • Market cost- No exceptions
  • Publicity, Branding, mobilization, Assorted expenses
  • Development of e- platform, software apps, assistance through IT infrastructure
  • Enterprise Facilitation centres for enabling digitization.
  • Working of the Digital MSME Scheme Central
28 Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of SMEs Through Incubators Government of India, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Scheme Summary/key features:  There are multiple objectives of the scheme, some of which are:
  • To promote emerging technological and knowledge based innovative ventures that seek the nurturing of ideas from professionals.
  • To promote and support untapped creativity of individual innovators and also to assist individual innovators to become technology-based entrepreneurs.
  • To promote networking and forging of linkages with other constituents of the innovation chain for commercialization of their developments.
  Eligibility: Any individual or MSME with innovative ideas ready for commercialisation can apply to the host institution (e.g., IITs, NITs, technical colleges, research institutes, etc.) in order to obtain fund support. See the list of host institutions at following web address: Any technical institution (as given in the EoI) that wants to become a host institution can apply to the office of the Development Commissioner-MSME or their nearest MSME-DI for funding support.   Amount or percentage of subsidy: Funding support for setting up of ‘Business Incubators (BI)’: The cost may vary from Rs 4 to 8 lakh for each  pprox./idea, subject to overall ceiling of Rs 62.5 lakh for each BI. a) Upgradation of infrastructure Rs 2.50 lakh b) Orientation/training Rs 1.28 lakh c) Administrative expenses Rs 0.22 lakh Total assistance per BI Rs 66.50 lakh Around 10 ideas will be incubated by the BI Central
29 Design Clinic for Design Expertise to MSMEs Government of India, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Scheme Summary/key features: Objectives of the scheme  Design Clinic Scheme for Design Expertise to MSME manufacturing sector.
  • To create a sustainable design eco system for the MSME sector through continuous learning and skill development
  • Bring the industrial design fraternity closer to the MSME Sector
  • Develop an institutional base for the industry’s design requirement;
  • Increase the awareness of the value of design and establish design learning in the MSME
  • Increase the competitiveness of local products and services through design.
Eligibility: All MSMEs with EM registration. Amount or percentage of subsidy: Design Workshop
  • Total time allocated for each workshop is 3 – 5 days.
  • One day will be spent in visiting Cluster & understanding issues concerned with cluster. Thereafter there will be training on design clinic solution delivered by an expert or a group of experts in an interactive manner. (GOI contribution Rs. 3.75 lakh per programme).  ii. Design Projects – Professional Design Projects & Students Design Projects.
Professional Design:  To facilitate MSMEs to develop new Design strategies and or design related products and services through project interventions and consultancy. (GoI contribution @ 75% for micro, 60% for SMEs for the project range Rs. 15 lakh to Rs. 40 lakh.) Students Design Projects: Students in the final year under UG/PG programmes from institutions recognized by design clinic centre are eligible under this activity for the project work done for respective MSMEs. (GOI contribution @ 75% for the project cost of Rs. 2 lakh) Central
30 Enabling Manufacturing Sector to be Competitive through QMS&QTT Government of India, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Scheme Summary/key features:    This scheme envisages Micro and Small Enterprises to understand and adopt the latest Quality Management Standards (QMS) and Quality Technology Tools (QTTs) to become more competitive and produce better quality products at competitive prices. The adoption of these features will enable MSEs to achieve the following:
  • Efficient use of resources
  • Improvement in product qualities
  • Reduction in rejection and rework of manufacturing
  • Reduction in building up the inventory at the various stages in the form of raw materials, finished components, work-in-progress and finished products
  • This will also enable the MSE enterprises to enter into or strengthen their position in the export market.
  • The Competition Watch sub-component of this QMS/QTT scheme will enable Indian MSE organisations to understand the foreign products that are penetrating in Indian markets.
  Eligibility:  Micro & Small enterprises having Entrepreneurs Memorandum and considered eligible to take benefit under the QMS/QTT Scheme The individual units (preferably from specific products in groups) will be considered under the MSME QMS/QTT Scheme. Micro and small enterprises will be selected from the clusters under study or intervention by this Ministry and clusters identified by the Organizations and Ministries   Amount or percentage of subsidy: GoI contribution of Rs.2.5 lakh for professional study on threatened products. GoI contribution of Rs.7.5 lakh for technical exposure visit GoI contribution of Rs.2.5 lakh for procurement of samples GoI contribution of Rs.5 lakh for product development GoI contribution of Rs.1.5 lakh for popularisation of improved products
  • GoI contribution of Rs.2.5 lakh/unit for covering the costs of diagnostic study and for implementation of Quality Technology Tools/Quality Management Standards (25 to 50% cost will be paid by the participating units)
  • GoI contribution of Rs.2.5 lakh per SME for international visit (25% and 50% cost to be collected by the micro and small enterprise respectively) Central
31 Building Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Government of India, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Scheme Summary/key features:    The objectives of the scheme are: To enhance the awareness of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) amongst the MSMEs to encourage creative intellectual endeavour in Indian economy; To take suitable measures for the protection of ideas, technological innovation and knowledge-driven business strategies developed by the MSMEs for; To provide appropriate facilities and support for protection and commercialization of Intellectual Property (IP) for the benefit of MSME sector; To assist SMEs in effective Utilization of IPR Tools for technology upgradation, market and business promotion and competitiveness enhancement   Eligibility: For Patent, Geographical Indication and Trademark Reimbursement: All MSMEs having Udyam Registration and also MSMEs which are included as per executive orders issued by the office of DC, MSME consistent with MSME Act from time to time.   Amount or percentage of subsidy: Reimbursement for Patent /GI Registration/Trademarks, for setting up of IP Facilitation Centres, interactive Seminars /Workshops/Exhibitions and Awareness Programmes.
S.No. Activity Grant per application/proposal ( lakh)
1.Major Activities Financial Assistance on grant of patent/registration under geographical indications of goods/trademark  
a (i) Domestic patent 1.00
(ii) Foreign patent 5.00
(iii) GI registration 2.00
(iv) Trademark 0.10
b Assisting for setting up IP facilitation centre 100.00
2.Minor Activities
a Awareness and sensitisation programmes on IPR 0.70
b Pilot studies/other studies for the selected subject/clusters/group of industries 5.00
c National level interactive seminars/workshop/conclave/conferences/exhibition 5.00
Regional level interactive seminars/workshop/conclave/conferences/exhibition 3,00
d Training programme for MSME officials & IPFCs 20.00
e Interaction with the international agencies 15,00 Central
32 Coir Vikas Yajna (CVY) Coir Board, Government of India, Ministry of MSMSE Scheme Summary/key features:    Coir Board’s initiative Coir Vikas Yojana (CVY) entirely focuses on the enhancement of the MSME sector. Thus, encourages exploring domestic and international export markets. Further, keen emphasis on women empowerment, entrepreneurship, skill and training, innovation as well as manufacturing. Moreover, raw material usage, trade services, and coir activities are under the activities of Coir Vikas Yojana. Additionally, this is an extension of Mahila Coir Yojana (MCY).The programme offers a lot of benefits under various schemes:
  • Provision of equipments for coir spinning, coir-spinning ppr, machinery, materials, and other necessities with 75% subsidy under the scheme of Mahila Coir Yojana.
  • Imparting quality consciousness at grass root level among the workers and educating them about appropriate production methods related to standard quality yarn, fibre, and other products.
  • Creating awareness among entrepreneurs, coconut growers, and other stakeholders for setting up coir-based production units and modernising existing production units to achieve better quality, productivity, and improved earnings.
The Coir Vikas Yojana scheme includes two distinct components, namely, Mahila Coir Yojana and Skill Upgradation. Training is the primary objective of the scheme. Eligibility: Any individual in the MSME sector related to the coir establishment can apply for availing the benefits of the scheme. Yet, it is important to complete 5 years of the successful operation of the unit. Also, necessary to have a Udyog Aadhaar. However, the eligibility will differ for each scheme.   Amount or percentage of subsidy: The Coir Board provides 75% cost of motorised Ratt/motorised traditional Ratt as one-time subsidy, subject to a ceiling of 7,500 in the case of motorised Ratt and 3,200 for motorised traditional and Electronic Ratt. The stipend per trainee for the skill development programmes will be limited to Rs.1000/- per month and in the case of training programmes of less than one-month duration, stipend will be disbursed on pro-rata basis. The honorarium for the trainer will be limited to Rs. 6,000/- per month. An amount of Rs.400/- per head per month will be provided as financial assistance to the training sponsoring agency to meet the operational cost of the training for raw material, power charges, other incidentals etc. Central
33 Scheme for Technology Upgradation/ Establishment/ Modernization for Food Processing Industries Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India Scheme summary/key features: This Scheme covers the following activities: Setting up/expansion/modernization of food processing industries covering all segments viz fruits & vegetable, milk product, meat, poultry, fishery, oil seeds and such other agri-horticultural sectors leading to value addition and shelf life enhancement including food flavours and colours, oleoresins, spices, coconut, mushroom, hops   Eligibility: Food processing units   Amount or percentage of subsidy: . The assistance is in the form of grant subject to 25% of the plant & machinery and technical civil work subject to a maximum of 50 lakh in General Areas and 33.33% up to 75 lakh in Difficult Areas (J&K, HP, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, North Eastern States, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep) Central
34 Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) for Khadi Institutions Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt, of India Scheme summary/key features: Under the ISEC Scheme, credit at a concessional rate of interest of 4% per annum for working capital, is made available as per the requirement of the institutions. The difference between the actual lending rate and 4% is paid by the Central Government through KVIC to the lending banks. While approving continuation of the scheme for implementation during XII plan period, Govt. of India has approved a unified version of the scheme for Khadi and Polyvastra to facilitate seamless release of interest subsidy to the institutions.   Eligibility: The Khadi institutions, having valid Khadi certificate and sanctioned khadi programme. The Institutions registered with the KVIC/State Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIBs) can avail of financing under the ISEC Scheme, the Scheme supports only the khadi and the polyvastra sector.   Amount or percentage of subsidy:  The Khadi institutions will apply to the financing bank for working capital along with the ISEC certificate issued by KVIC. Based on the working capital sanctioned, financing bank will raise the reimbursement claim to the nodal branch for the differential interest rate over and above 4%. Central
35 Science and Technology (S&T) for Coir Institutions Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt, of India Scheme summary/key features: Technology Transfer, Incubation, Testing, Training Entrepreneurs and Service Facilities for the coir MSMEs through extension of the outcomes of research (done at research institutes under the scheme) at the laboratory level for application at the field level and extension of testing and service facility are the objectives of the scheme. The Research and Development activities of the Board are carried out through the twin research institutes: The Central Coir Research Institute, Kalavoor and Central Institute of Coir Technology, Bangalore who uses the fund allotted to this scheme and then further aid the entities working in the coir industry. The scheme also aims at establishing technology incubation centres in one or many places for training the entrepreneurs in the new technologies developed and transferred. Continued implementation of the Scheme will result in development of new technologies for reducing drudgery and improving the quality and productivity of the coir products. Continued research activities will result in increasing the acceptance of the coir products both by internal and external markets.   Eligibility: All coir production/processing units newly established will be eligible to apply for assistance. All coir production/ processing units registered with Coir Board under Coir Industry (Registration) Rules, 2008 and having Udyog Aadhar are eligible to apply for financial assistance for modernisation under this scheme.   Amount or percentage of subsidy: The outcome of the research can be availed at the field level by approaching Research Centre for availing assistance in Technology Transfer, Incubation, Testing and Service Facilities of the research institutes (The Central Coir Research Institute, Kalavoor and Central Institute of Coir Technology, Bangalore) Central
36 Market Promotion & Development Scheme Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt, of India Scheme summary/key features: The Market Promotion and Development Assistance Scheme (MPDA) has been launched as a unified scheme by merging different schemes implemented by the Khadi sector including publicity, marketing, market promotion and marketing development assistance. Further, grant/subsidy will also be available for construction of Khadi plazas. The overall objective of the scheme is to ensure increased earnings for artisans.   Eligibility: The Khadi institutions, having valid Khadi certificate and categorised as A+, A, B and C only are eligible to avail MMDA grant from KVIC.   Amount or percentage of subsidy: Modified MDA (MMDA) shall be allowed @ 30% on the Prime cost of Khadi (cotton, silk, woollen) and Polyvastra The Pattern of Assistance for strengthening of Infrastructure of Existing Weak Khadi Institutions
 Total Cost ( lakh)  Component
 0.25  Preliminary and Pre-operative expenditure
 3.50  Capital expenditure
 6.15  Working Fund
 9.90  Total
The pattern of assistance for Marketing Infrastructure
 Total  Inst. Contr.  Govt. Grant  Funding Pattern  Component
 25.00  0.00  25.00  Govt. Grant--100%  Departmental Sales outlets of KVIC
 25.00  3.75  21.25  Govt. Grant--85%  Inst. cont.-15%  Departmental Sales outlets of KVIC
 25.00  6.25  18.75  Govt. Grant--75% Inst. cont.-25%  Institutional sales outlets (Metro cities)
 25.00  5.00  15.00  Govt. Grant--75% Inst. cont.-25%  Institutional sales outlets (Non-Metro cities) Central
37 Domestic Market Promotion (DMP) Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt, of India Scheme summary/key features: Coir Board has been taking various measures for popularizing coir and coir products and expanding the domestic market. Establishment and maintenance of Showroom and Sales depots, participation in fairs / exhibitions organized by other agencies and organizing exclusive fairs for Coir and coir goods within the country, providing Market Development Assistance to State supported organizations for enlarging marketing network, organizing generic publicity through press, television, website and radio and erection of hoardings, fixing of quality standards, inspection and a certification of quality of coir goods are some of the measures taken by Coir Board towards achieving the objective. The activities undertaken by the Board for the purpose are publicity, participation in domestic exhibitions, Extension of performance linked Market Development Assistance, construction/renovation/interior decoration of new and existing showrooms/market development centres of the Board and field demonstration/displays.   Eligibility: Apex Co-operative Societies, Central Co-op. Societies, Primary Co-operative Societies, Public Sector Enterprises, franchisees appointed by Coir Board in the coir industry and the Showroom and Sales Depots / Hindustan Coir of the Coir Board.   Amount or percentage of subsidy: The component proposes to provide financial assistance to the Apex Co-operative Societies, Central Co-op. Societies, Primary Co-operative Societies, Public Sector Enterprises, franchisees appointed by Coir Board in the coir industry and the Showroom and Sales Depots / Hindustan Coir of the Coir Board. The MDA is granted at the rate of 10% of their average annual sales turnover of coir products including coir fibre, coir pith, coir pith block, coir pith products, coir pith organic manure, coir yarn, mats, matting, rubberized coir goods, coir geotextile, garden articles, coir bags, coir umbrella, coir chapel, coir ornaments, coir handicrafts, coir wood and other innovative products during the preceding three financial years, subject to the condition that 5% increase should have been achieved over the immediate previous year. This Assistance will be shared on 1:1 basis between the Central Government and the concerned State/Union Territory Government. The disbursement of Central share of MDA will be subject to the budgetary outlay available with the Coir Board under the relevant schemes. Central
38 A Scheme for promoting Innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE) Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt, of India Scheme Summary/key features: The main objectives of the scheme are to: (i) Create new jobs and reduce unemployment (ii) Promote entrepreneurship culture in India (iii) Boost Grassroots economic development at district level (iv) Facilitate innovative business solution for un-met social needs, and (v) Promote innovation to further strengthen the competitiveness of the MSME sector. The Scheme aims to implement the Incubation and Commercialisation of Business Ideas Programme through technical / research institutes, including those in the field of agro based industry. These would be designated as Knowledge Partners and would incubate new/existing technologies for their commercialisation. The scheme also provides funds for the incubator/incubation and creates necessary synergy between this scheme and the Livelihood Business Incubators/Technology Business Incubators and Incubation schemes of MSME / NSIC / KVIC / Coir Board / Other Ministries/Departments as well as Private incubators.   Eligibility:
  • Any entrepreneur who intends to set up start-ups.
  • Any technical/university/research institutes including those in the field of rural and agro-based industry.
  • All MSMEs with Entrepreneurs Memorandum Registration.
  • Any institute/agency under the Government of India or any State Government in the field of technology, business management, rural development and entrepreneur development or anybody corporate under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode can set up Livelihood Business Incubation (LBI).
  • Any existing incubation centres operating under different Ministries and Departments of Government of India and institutions which include National/Regional level institutions of Government of India or any State Government for setting up centres dedicated to incubation and enterprise creation in the area of agro-based industries.
  • Any new incubation centres to be set up by eligible private institutions including industry associations along with academic institutions, universities, government entities, R&D laboratories and technology parks.
Amount or percentage of subsidy: One-time grant of 100% of cost of Plant & Machinery other than the land and infrastructure, or an amount up to Rs 100 lakhs, whichever is less is to be provided In case of incubation centres to be set up under PPP mode with NSIC, KVIC or Coir Board or any other Institution/agency of GoI/State Government, one- time grant of 50% of cost of Plant & Machinery, other than the land and infrastructure, or Rs 50.00 lakhs, whichever is less is to be provided.  
39 International Cooperation Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt, of India Scheme Summary/key features: The scheme covers the following activities: a) Visit of MSME delegations to other countries in international exhibitions/ trade fairs, conferences/ summits/workshops etc. for exploring new areas of technology infusion/upgradation, joint ventures, improving market of MSMEs products, etc. b) Participation of MSME delegations in international exhibitions, trade fairs and buyer-seller meets in foreign countries. c) Holding international conferences/summits/workshops/seminars relating to MSME sector to be organized in India by the Industry Associations/ Government organizations. d) Holding/organising mega international exhibition or fair and international conferences/seminars/workshops, Joint Committee Meetings/Joint Working Group Meetings/Government to Government bilateral meetings with outer countries in India by Ministry of MSME or organizations under it. e) Sending a delegation of the Ministry of MSME to an International Exhibition/Fairs/Conference in foreign countries.   Eligibility: Government Institutions and Registered Industry Associations associated with promotion and development of MSME sector.   Amount or percentage of subsidy: IC Scheme provides financial assistance on reimbursement basis for airfare, space rent, freight charges, advertisement & publicity charges and entry/registration fee on reimbursement basis in case of participation in international exhibitions/trade fairs. The details can be had from scheme guidelines  

ii) Sector Specific incentives:

Sr No Subsidy Scheme Name Ministry Description Visiting link to know more Applicability
1 Assistance of Capital
and Interest
Subsidy for
MSMEs (except
service enterprise
Industries Commissionerate,
Government of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features:
Enterprise claiming capital investment subsidy should apply on line within one year of commercial production.
Capital investment subsidy will not be available if loan is sanctioned one year after commercial production.
For interest subsidy the enterprise has to apply online within one year from the date of first disbursement of loan or on or
before the date of commencement of commercial production/rendering services

MSMEs in manufacturing sector and service sector subject to certain conditions

Amount or percentage of subsidy:
Capital and Interest Subsidy to Manufacturing MSMEs
Taluka Category/Sector Capital Subsidy Interest Subsidy
Category 1 Taluka
At 25% of eligible
Term Loan Amount up to INR 35 lakhs;
Additional INR 10 lakhs
 for investments > 10 Crore
At 7% of term
loan amount up to
INR 35 lakh p.a. for 7 years
Category 2 Taluka
At 20% of eligible Term
Loan Amount up to
INR 30 lakhs; Additional INR 7.5
lakhs for in
investment > 10 Crore
At 6% of term
loan amount up to
INR 30 lakh p.a. for 6 years
Category 3 Taluka
At 10% of eligible
Term Loan Amount up
to INR 10 lakhs; Additional INR
5 lakhs for in
investment > 10 Crore
At 5% of term
loan amount up to
INR 25 lakh p.a. for 5 years
Additional Incentives/Benefits 1% additional interest subsidy
to SC/ST Entrepreneur/physical challenged
entrepreneur/women entrepreneur
/Start-up in manufacturing sector1% additional interest
 subsidy to young
entrepreneurs below age of 35 yearsIn any case,
the unit will have to bear
minimum 2% interest
 levied on term loan Gujarat
2 Assistance in
rent to MSEs
Industries Commissionerate,
Government of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features:
Government of Gujarat has decided to provide financial assistance through Scheme for assistance in Rent
to MSMEs for shed and plot developed by private developers for the generation of employment and development of MSMEs in the state.
 The government has decided to assist MSEs units in rent which will improve the initial liquidity of the project and also
help the financial institution/bank to sanction the term loan on plant and machinery required for the project.

The New Micro and Small Enterprise registered as an industrial unit under the MSME Development Act,
2006 with respective Director of Industries Commerce (DIC) as a manufacturing enterprise and obtained term loan from the Financial Institution.
For availing the grant under the Scheme for Assistance for in Rent to MSEs,
the new unit has to commence production during the operative period of this Scheme.
Amount or percentage of subsidy:
The Assistance at 50% of rent paid or Rs.50000/- per annum,
whichever is less in Municipal Corporation area and areas under the Urban Development Authority
The assistance at 50% of rent paid or Rs.25000/- per annum, whichever is less except mentioned above
The financial assistance will be provided for three years Subject to certain Conditions.
3 Schemes for Assistance
Labour Intensive Industries
Industries Commissionerate,
Government of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features
Under this scheme, the Government creates separate
provisions for the promotion of labour-intensive
industries which would lead to the development of the state.
Assistance will be given to New enterprise as well as to existing enterprise for one-time expansion.
The payroll incentive will be provided at 1200 per person and
an additional amount of Rs. 300 per women employment will be provided under the scheme.
In the case of project expansion, this payroll incentive will be provided only for the additional domicile employees.
The payroll assistance in case of project expansion will not be provided for the re-employed persons who had been relieved by the enterprise/unit within
a one-year time frame before the commencement of the production of expansion.
Amount or percentage of subsidy
Interest Subsidy will be provided at 7% maximum up to
Rs. 1 crore per annum for the period of 5 years.
VAT related incentives: Only 70% of the fixed capital investment of the unit will be considered
for the eligible unit that would be entitled to the reimbursement up to 1/5th of the eligible limit in a particular year. Gujarat
5 Scheme for Financial Assistance
to Plastic Industry
Industries Commissionerate,
Government of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features
Financial assistance in form of interest subsidy on loan/
tax incentives for setting up small sized new plastics industry
Enterprises which are registered as an industrial unit as MSME with respective DIC and should be of small size
  • Have obtained IEM form GOI
  • li>The New Enterprises, which is engaged in manufacturing of plastic products/ items/
    articles by using plastic as a raw material purchased within the state only, is eligible. li>Plastic material means organic polymers of high molecular mass from petrochemicals such as Polyolefin
    (LLDPE, LDPE, HDPE, PP), PVC, Nylon, Polyesters, Polystyrene, Polycarbonate, Polyamide (Nylon 6, Nylon 66) etc.
Amount or percentage of subsidy
1. Interest subsidy for New Enterprises: -
Interest subsidy up to 7% of term loan Maximum limit of 100 lakh per annum, for 5 years for fixed capital investment in building,
new plant & machinery, equipment (including cost of installation, erection, transportation, electrification)
and other related assets required for the manufacturing of the product. However, cost of land and land development will not be eligible
2. VAT Related Incentive to New Enterprises: -
The eligible new enterprise will be reimbursed at of 80% of the net VAT paid for 5 years from date of commercial production.
The VAT reimbursement amount would be 70% of eligible fixed capital investment.
(excluding additional Tax and reduction of ITC as per the provision of the GVAT Act 2003)
The eligible unit shall be entitled for reimbursement up to 1/5th of eligible limit in a particular year. Gujarat
5 New Enterprise Cum Enterprise
Development scheme (NEEDS)
MSME - Govt. of Tamil Nadu Scheme summary/key features
(I) Educated youth (Age limit minimum 21 years maximum 35 years for general category and
45 years for Special category (SC/ST/BC/MBC/Ex-servicemen/ Minorities/Transgenders/Differently abled persons)
will be given entrepreneurship training to groom them as first-generation entrepreneurs on the essentials of conceiving,
planning, initiating and launching a manufacturing or service enterprise successfully.
(ii) On completion of the training program they would be assisted to prepare their business plans and helped to tie up with financial institutions to get term loan,
to set up manufacturing or service enterprises with a project cost not exceeding Rs.1.00 crore
and capital subsidy of 25% of project cost not exceeding Rs.25.00 lakhs with 3% interest subvention to be provided by the State Government. (iii) Subject to availability, they would also be provided with reservation up to 25% for allotment of Plots / Sheds in SIDCO Industrial Estates in the State
All economically viable manufacturing and service activities are eligible under this scheme subject to appraisal for its viability as per
the guidelines of Tamil Nadu Industrial Investment Corporation Limited (TIIC) / Bank. Priority will be given to projects which are eco-friendly,
accord importance to energy conservation and are export oriented.
Educated youth with any Degree, Diploma, ITI / Vocational Training from recognized Institutions,
aspiring to become entrepreneurs would be eligible for assistance under the scheme.
The applicant should be a resident of Tamil Nadu for not less than 3 years Amount or percentage of subsidy:
25% of the Project Cost subject to a ceiling of 25.00 lakh
3% Back Ended Interest Subsidy for Bank Assisted Projects / 3% Interest Subvention for TIIC Assisted Projects
However, for projects costing more than 1.00 Crore, subsidy component will be restricted to 25.00 lakh. Tamil Nadu
6 Unemployed Youth
Employment Generation
Programme (UYEGP)
MSME - Govt of
Tamil Nadu
Scheme summary/key features
“Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP)” aims to mitigate the unemployment problems
of socially and economically weaker section of the society,
particularly among the educated and unemployed to become self-employed in their native places itself and to prevent
the mass migration from rural areas to urban areas due to unemployment by setting up Manufacturing / Service / Business enterprises by
availing loan up to the maximum of Rs.15 Lakhs, Rs. 5.00 Lakhs and Rs. 5.00 Lakhs respectively with subsidy assistance from the State Government. Eligibility:
Any individual, above 18 years of age.
Upper age limit for General category is 35 years and for Special category 45 years.
Minimum educational qualification is a pass in VIII standard.
The applicant shall be resident of the place for not less than 3 years.
The family income of the beneficiary shall not exceed Rs.5 Lakhs per annum.
Amount or percentage of subsidy:
 Financial Assistance:
Sl.No Category
Project Cost
Promotor’s Contribution Bank loan
1 General Category
10% 90%
Physically Challenged
5% 95%
Subsidy amount maximum Rs.2.50 lakh Gujarat
7 Mukhya Mantri
Yuva Udyami Yojana
Department of MSME,
Madhya Pradesh
Scheme summary/key features
Under this scheme, loans will be provided by banks to all the citizens who want to set up their own business.
Under this scheme, benefit of margin money assistance, interest grant, loan guarantee and training will be provided by the government.
Under this scheme, a loan of at least 10 lakh rupees can be availed subject to a maximum of up to Rs.2 crore rupees to start a new business or industry.
15% (maximum Rs. 12 lakhs) will be payable on the margin on the project cost.
Guarantee fee under this scheme will be payable at the prevailing rate for a maximum period of 7 years.
Business activities will not be eligible under the MP Youth Entrepreneur Scheme.
The applicant should be originally a resident of Madhya Pradesh.
Applicant must have passed minimum 10th standard.
The benefit of this scheme will be given only to those enterprises which will be set up within the border of Madhya Pradesh.
A person can avail this scheme only once.
Age should be between 18 to 40 years on the applicant's application date.
Youth should not be a defaulter in any nationalized bank / financial institution / co-operative bank.
If a person is getting assistance under any government entrepreneur / self-employment scheme, then he will not be eligible under this scheme.
Amount or percentage of subsidy
Margin money on capital cost will be at 15% with a maximum of Rs.12 lakh for general class.
For BPL it will be 20% with a maximum of Rs.18 lakh. Interest at 5% for female and 6% for male. Madhya Pradesh
8 Mukhya Mantri
Swarojgar Yojana
Department of MSME,
Madhya Pradesh
Scheme summary/key features
This scheme has been started to provide self-employment opportunities to the citizens of the state.
Under this scheme, loan will be provided for setting up self-employment. The loan will be provided for 7 years under this scheme.
Loans will be granted Rs.50,000 to Rs.10 lakh.
BPL SC, ST, OBC, women and differently abled candidates will be provided 30% margin money. Subject to maximum limit of Rs.2 lakh.
In addition, margin money assistance, subsidy, loan guarantee is also given to the beneficiaries.
Eligibility: To apply under this scheme, the applicant must be a permanent resident of Madhya Pradesh.
Work area should be in Madhya Pradesh.
The educational qualification of the applicant under this scheme should be minimum 5th class.
The age of the applicant should be between 18 and 45 years.
The applicant should not be an income tax payer.
The applicant of any national bank, financial institution etc. should not be a defaulter.
Only one time can be availed under MP Mahamari Swarozgar Yojana.
A beneficiary of a government entrepreneur self-employment scheme cannot avail the benefit of this scheme.
Amount or percentage of subsidy Under this scheme, 15 percent margin money will be provided to general category people with a maximum of Rs.1 lakh
Project cost 30% for BPL, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes,
Women, Minorities and Disabled with a maximum limit of Rs 2 lakhs.
Exempted nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes will have 30 percent of the project cost with a maximum limit of Rs.3 lakh
Bhopal will be an additional 20% of the project cost for gas-affected family members, with a maximum limit of Rs. 1 lakh. Madhya Pradesh
9 Margin Money/
Subsidy Scheme-Seed
Money Scheme
Directorate of
industries Maharashtra
Scheme summary/key features:  
The objective of the scheme is to encourage unemployed person to take up self-employment ventures through industry, service and business,
by providing soft loans to meet part of the margin money to avail institutional finance.
1. Project cost up to Rs. 25 lakhs for industry, service and business activity.
2. Seed Money assistance at 15 per cent of the project cost approved by financial institutions is offered.
In case of projects costing up to Rs. 10 lakhs, the quantum of assistance ranges up to 15 per cent for
General category and 20% for SC/ST and OBC/NT/VT/Handicapped up to 20 per cent.
3. Seed Money component up to 3.75 lakhs maximum.
4. Bank loan 75% of the project cost.
5. The rate of interest on seed money is 6% and if the borrower pays the repayment of instalment regularly and within scheduled time,
then the borrower will get rebate of 3% in interest. So, he has to pay only 3% interest.
6. If the instalment is not repaid in time, it will attract 1% penal interest.
7. The repayment of loan starts after three years in four yearly instalments for industry cases.
In other cases, repayment starts after six months of loan availment
Local unemployed person or group of persons fulfilling:
Age group 18 to 50 years
Qualification: Standard VII pass
Domiciled in the state of Maharashtra for the last 15 years
Amount or percentage of subsidy
90% loan for general group and 95% for special group will be available from public sector banks,
Regional rural banks, IDBI. In urban areas, 15% margin money subsidy for general group and 25% for special group will be available through KVIC.
In rural areas, the margin money subsidy will be 25% to 35% respectively.
Special group include SC/ST/OBC/minority/woman/ex-servicemen/physically handicapped. Maharashtra
10 Margin Money/Subsidy
Industries Centre
Loan Scheme
General Manager,
District Industries
Centre of respectiv
e district
(District level)
Scheme summary/key features
The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance in the form of margin/seed money for the promotion of tiny
industries in semi-urban and rural areas with a view to generate employment opportunities including self- employment.
I. Margin money assistance is admissible only to those units whose investment in plant & machinery does not exceed Rs. 2 lakh.
ii. All towns and rural areas having population of less than 1 lac are covered under the Scheme.
iii. The State Government’s rate of interest on this loan is 4 % and repayment is to be done within 7 years.
iv. This scheme is particularly useful for rural artisans
All units falling within the purview of the Small-Scale Industries Board and Village Industries,
handicrafts, handlooms, Silk & Coir Industries are covered under the Scheme.
Amount or percentage of subsidy
The extent of assistance is 20 % of the total investment or Rs. 40000/- whichever
is less in case of entrepreneur belonging to general category and in case of entrepreneur belonging to scheduled caste & scheduled tribe,
assistance up to 30 % of total fixed capital investment or up to maximum of Rs. 60000/- whichever is less is provided.
11 Subsidy Schemes
in Goa
of Goa
Scheme summary/key features
There are various schemes issued by Government of Goa. Visit the link for details. Goa
12 U.P. Micro and
Small Industries
Technology Up-gradation
Ministry of Industries,
Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
Scheme summary/key features
The objective of the scheme is development of  competitiveness among the small-scale industries
under the changed scenario due to economic globalization and worldwide competition.
Under this scheme assistance is provided to micro and small enterprises for development and up gradation of technology
All MSMEs in Uttar Pradesh

Amount or percentage of subsidy
Amount incurred for purchase and import of technology @ 50% subject to a maximum of 2.50 lacs.
• Amount incurred for purchase P/M for enhancement of capacity and quality improvement @ 50% subject to a maximum of 2.00 lacs
• Interest subsidy. @ 50% subject to a maximum of 0.50 lacs.
• Amount incurred for obtaining ISO/ISI certification @ 50% subject to a maximum of 2.00 lacs
• Amount incurred for consultancy world-wide competition @ 50% subject to a maximum of 0.50 lacs. Uttar Pradesh
13 Marketing Development
Assistance Scheme
Directorate of Industries,
Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
Scheme summary/key features
To assist MSMEs in marketing sector for development, promotion and for better prospects of the products being manufactured,
specially by micro and small industries/enterprises, the Govt. has provided institutional support in form of establishment
of UPTPA (Uttar Pradesh Trade Promotion Authority) under Directorate of Industries, U.P and Export Promotion Bureau.
The UPTPA has been given the responsibility to arrange, participate and coordinate in seminars/trade fairs/exhibitions,
nationally as well as internationally to provide small entrepreneur a plate farm for development and promotion of market prospects for their product.
The UPTPA also provides marketing assistance under Marketing Development Assistance Scheme 
in which the entrepreneurs are assisted to attend/ participate in seminars /trade fairs all over the
country by way of reimbursement of expenses incurred towards participation/stall charge, fair, etc.

Micro and Small enterprises in the state

Amount or percentage of subsidy
A- Support for exporters at international levelB- Subsidy on freight charges up to gate way port.
Particulars Eligibility Prescribed fee Details
i)Foreign Fairs/
MSME Exporter reg.
with EPB &
concern DIC
NIL 60% of Stall
charges paid
up-to max. of
Rs. 100000/-
for one fair
/exhibition Air
Fare 50% by economy
class max.
up to Rs.
50000/- per
fair for
one person.
b)ublicity advt.
, printing of
catalogue &
development of
MSME Exporter
reg. with
EPB & concern
  60% of
total cost
of Expenditure
maximum up
to Rs. 60000/-
c Samples to
MSME Exporter
reg. wit
h EPB &
concern DIC
  75% of total
expenses on
courier for
sending samples
max. assistance
up to Rs.
50000/- per
d)Facility for
obtaining ISO
14000, Wool
mark, Hall mark
MSME Exporter
reg. with
concern DIC
  50% of
total expenses max.
up to Rs.
75000/- per
a Export
Cargo sent
SSI Exporte
r reg. with
EPB and
concern DIC
  25% of freight
charges maximum
up to Rs. 5000/-
per container
(20ft) is admissible
to exporting
units to send
their goods
by State ICD/CFS
to the gateway port
. This amount
is sanctioned by
the district
users committee
chaired by
D.M. of
the concerned
b) Export Cargo
sent by
Air Cargo
Complex in U.P.
(Amausi, Lucknow
and Babatpur,
SSI Exporter
and Merchant
with EPB
and concern
  20% of
air freight
on sending
export cargo
or Rs 50
per kg.
(lower of two).
1.Price Preference@10% to MSEs of the state in
comparison to MSEs of other states. 
2.Price Preference@15% to MSEs of the state in
comparison to Medium and Heavy enterprises of other states. 
 3.Price Preference@5% to MSEs of the state in
comparison to Medium and Heavy enterprises /industries of states. 
4.Price Preference@5% to Medium and Heavy enterprises/
 of the state in comparison to
Medium and Heavy enterprises/ industries of   other states. Uttar Pradesh153
14 Nivesh Protsahan
Export Promotion Bureau,
Govt of Uttar Pradesh
S. No Particulars Eastern UP &
Rest of the state
1 New Micro and small units 100% 50%
2 Other new units 50% 50%
3 Agro Processing,
Information Technology
/Bio Technology &
Specified Infrastructure Units
100% 100%
Scheme summary/key features
The Govt. of also providing attractive fiscal incentives to the MSME sector
in form of granting interest free loans under Nivesh Protsahan Yojna against VAT payments &
exemptions from stamp duty and electricity duty, speedy online clearances through
  'Nivesh Mitra' easy availability of developed industrial plots,
healthy labour relation and crime-free and fear - free atmosphere.

The sector has been offered various special incentives and concessions which are summarized here under

New MSME units

Amount or percentage of subsidy
Grant of Interest Free loan under Nivesh Protsahan Yojna for 10 years repayable after
7 years to new units and have made fixed capital investment of Rs.5.00 crore
or more in Food Processing Sector, Rs.10.00 crore
or more in Eastern U.P. and Bundelkhand and Rs.25.00 crores or more in other districts. 
Amount of loan shall not exceed 10% of turnover or sum of the trade tax/ vat and central sales tax paid by the units. Uttar Pradesh
15 Land related
Govt of Utta
r Pradesh
Exemption from stamp duty on transfer of land as under: -
Scheme summary/key features
Exemption from stamp duty on transfer of land
New Micro and small units, Agro Processing/Information Technology/Bio
technology and specified infrastructure units.

Amount or percentage of subsidy
Reduction of stamp duty to rupees two per thousand on mortgage of title deeds, transfer of movable property,
mortgage of property without possession, collateral security and bank guarantee (max. Rs.10,000/-). Uttar Pradesh
16 Other incentives Govt of Uttar
Scheme summary/key features
Exemption from Electricity duty for 10 years to all new units
MSMEs in the state.

Amount or percentage of subsidy
As in scheme summary/key features . Uttar Pradesh
17 Tripura Industrial Investment Promotion Incentive Scheme-2017 (TIIPIS Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Tripura Scheme summary/key features
The State Government has introduced the Tripura Industrial Investment Promotion Incentives
Scheme (TIIPIS) offers incentives for setting up industrial
units in the manufacturing and service sector.
The main aim of the scheme is to provide the necessary
infrastructure to ensure sustained industrialisation in Tripura.

The scheme is for the benefit of all MSMEs, in the private sector, co-operative sector,
self-help-groups, joint sector and also companies owned or managed by the State Government.
The Scheme-2017 shall be applicable to all micro, small and medium enterprises which commence
their commercial production in the State, on or after the first day of April 2017, but before or on thirty-first day
of March, 2022, in the private sector, co-operative sector, self-help-groups,
joint sector and also companies owned or managed by the State Government.

Amount or percentage of subsidy
a) State Capital Investment Subsidy @30% on Fixed Capital Investment (with additional subsidy @2.5% to ST, SC and Women Enterprises),
subject to a ceiling of Rs.60 Lakhs per unit. For thrust sector unit capital investment subsidy @40% on
Fixed Capital Investment within the overall ceiling of Rs.70 lakhs.

  • Industrial Promotion Subsidy (reimbursement of GST) subject to an overall ceiling of Rs.60 Lakhs per annum per enterprise.
    The aggregating limit of entitlement of an enterprise for 5 years shall not be exceed to 100% value of investment made in plant and machinery.
  • 25% Reimbursement of Power Charges, maximum of Rs. 12.00   Lakhs per annum per enterprise
  • 4% Reimbursement of Interest on Working Capital loans maximum of Rs.3.00 Lakhs per annum.
  • Reimbursement of Standard Certification Charges/ fees/ expenses to
    eligible enterprises in 10 selected areas issued by National and Inter-national Bodies
  • 15% Procurement Preference to Local industrial enterprises subject to 20% value addition
  • 100% Exemption from the payment of Earnest Money and Security Deposits on tenders floated by the State Govt./Departments/Agencies
  • Employment Cost subsidy under Thrust Sector towards EPF and ESI contribution on employment of 20
    or more persons skilled and semi-skilled workers who are domiciled of the State
  • 100% reimbursement on fees paid for CGTMSE
  • coverage on loans granted by Banks/ NBFCs
  • Export Promotion Subsidy @10% on value of export of goods with ceiling of Rs.20.00 Lakhs per annum
  • Subsidy for participation in fares and exhibition (Thrust sector only) @50% of actual expenditure
    for one person and transportation cast of goods for display/sale
    with maximum celling of Rs.50000/- per annum (celling 2 fares). Tripura
18 Market Development
& Mines DepartmentGovt.
of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features
Market Development Assistance scheme is designed positioning of Gujarat based companies at a global level,
the policy will support domestic MSMEs & start -ups for participation in national and international level exhibitions organized in India and abroad.
MSMEs in Gujarat State

Amount or percentage of subsidy
Category incentives
Participation in exhibition within India Can be applied directly by the
individual exhibitor/association
• State Level exhibition-
assistance @75% of Stall rent up to
Rs. 50,000 • National
Level exhibition- assistance
@75% of Stall
rent up to Rs. 1 lakh
• International Level
exhibition- assistance
@75% of Stall rent up
to Rs. 2 lakhs This can be
claimed a total of 5
times by individual
unit/ association
during the
policy period
Participation in exhibition outside India International
Level exhibition
Outside India
• Assistance @60% of Stall
rent up to maximum
of Rs. 5 lakhs This
can be claimed
3 times by an
individual unit/
association during
the policy period
Organizing exhibition within Gujarat 60% of Bill
electricity consumption Gujarat
19 Quality Certification Industries
& Mines DepartmentGovt.
of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features
With a vision to encourage domestic products to be globally competitive,
the policy will promote quality certifications under Zero Defect
Zero Effect (ZED scheme) and also support to obtain
ISI/WHO-GMP/Hallmark certifications & other national/International
certification from Quality Council of India.
MSMEs in the state of Gujarat

Amount or percentage of subsidy
The policy will provide fiscal support up to 50% of fee payable to Recognized
International Certification Authority and 50% cost
of testing equipment and machinery required for that certification, totalling up to maximum amount of INR 10 lakhs.
For ZED certification, MSMEs can avail assistance up to 50% of certification cost maximum up
to INR 50,000 after deducting the assistance received from Government of India. Gujarat
20 Financial assistance
for installation of
Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP)
System & Adoption
of other ICT
platforms & facilities
& Mines DepartmentGovt.
of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features
The objective of the scheme is to give financial assistance to MSMEs for installation
of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System & Adoption of other ICT platforms & facilities

All MSMEs in the state of Gujarat

Amount or percentage of subsidy
MSMEs can avail an assistance of up to 65% of capital cost up to INR
1 lakh for implementing ERP system from the approved ERP service
provider by Industries Commissionerate. For implementing ICT facilities,
the MSMEs can obtain assistance up to 65% of capital cost up to INR 5 lakhs. Gujarat
21 Technology upgradation
& Acquisition Support
& Mines DepartmentGovt.
of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features
In order to keep pace with the global manufacturing trends, the manufacturing sector needs to adopt latest technologies.
With an aim to encourage innovation and adoption of sophisticated technologies by MSME,
the state will provide fiscal support to industries in acquiring technologies from recognized
institutions as well as in acquisition of patented technologies from foreign companies.
MSMEs in the state of Gujarat

Amount or percentage of subsidy
MSMEs will get assistance up to 65% of the cost payable to the institution up to INR 50
lakhs for acquisition of technology. Patent Support:
The policy will provide financial support through partial reimbursement of cost
for filing of domestic patents and international patents up to 75% of the cost/expenditure
incurred subject to a maximum of INR 25 lakhs. Maximum fee for attorney for national patent is INR 50,000
and international patent is INR 2,00,000 within the overall cap of 75% of the cost/expenditure.
Process Patents will also be made eligible under this benefit Gujarat
22 Raising capital
through SME Exchange:
& Mines DepartmentGovt.
of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features
This assistance would support in raising funds through SME exchange on one-time basis.
SMEs who want to raise capital through SME Exchange

Amount or percentage of subsidy
SMEs can avail up to 25% of expenditure incurred on raising of equity capital through SME exchange maximum up to INR 5 lakhs on one-time basis. Gujarat
23 Energy & Water
& Mines DepartmentGovt.
of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features
The assistance will be provided for conducting audits for energy and water conservation as well as for purchase of equipment.
All MSMES in the state

Amount or percentage of subsidy
The policy will provide assistance up to 75% cost of energy / water audit conducted by a recognized institution
/ consultant subject to maximum INR 50,000 and 25% of cost of equipment recommended by the auditing authority subject to maximum INR 20 lakhs. Gujarat
24 Service line &
Power connection charges
& Mines DepartmentGovt.
of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features
Assistance in service line and power connection charges

Amount or percentage of subsidy
The policy will provide assistance for service line and power connection charges, rent etc.
at 35% of charges paid to distribution licences for LT/HT service line, maximum limit up to INR 5 lakh Gujarat
25 Use of Rooftop
Solar Power by MSMEs
& Mines DepartmentGovt.
of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features
In order to encourage MSME for reduction of electricity cost, the state had introduced a special Solar policy under which MSME are eligible to set-up rooftop solar power and provision is made to purchase surplus power from them
MSMEs in the State of Gujarat

Amount or percentage of subsidy
Considering the difficulties faced by MSME units, government with a view to further ease the process of utilizing rooftop Solar Power in MSMEs,
has increased the power cycle for calculation of consumption of units from 15 minutes to 11 hours i.e.
7 AM – 6 PM and has increased the price for purchase of surplus solar power from MSMEs, from INR 1.75/unit to INR 2.25/unit Gujarat
26 Promote Start-up and innovation Industries
& Mines DepartmentGovt.
of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features
Gujarat, owing to its inherent strength of widespread entrepreneurial spirit has gained a significant spot in the national start-up ecosystem.
The incentives under the previous scheme created a strong network of nodal institutions.
This supported several start-ups in setting up/expanding their operations both in national and international markets.
The new scheme aims to further accelerate and strengthen the start-up ecosystem in the state.

Start-up units in the state of Gujarat

Amount or percentage of subsidy
Acceleration Programs: Dedicated acceleration programs will be conducted in the state as per the provisions of the scheme.
Additionally, the policy would support start-ups up to INR 3 lakhs to attend other national/international acceleration programs.
The policy will also support in organizing acceleration programs.
Promotional Events: The scheme aims to organize focused workshops, seminars, bootcamps, hackathons, grand challenges etc.
across the state with support from various stakeholders. For this, the policy will provide support up to 75% of the total expenditures up to INR 5 lakhs. However,
in case of events specific to women entrepreneurship, the policy will support up to 90% of total expenditures up to INR 5 lakhs.
Nodal Institutes and Mentoring Assistance: The Gujarat Start-up Cell would also identify and establish association with Nodal Institutes across the state.
Fiscal support to these Nodal institutes mentoring approved start-ups will also be given as part of the policy.
Mentoring assistance of INR 1 lakh per start-up will be given to Nodal institutes up to a maximum of INR 15 lakhs per annum. In addition to this,
a dedicated portal detailing the facilities of various nodal institutes and Government bodies will be created for the start-ups to avail them.
These facilities include: testing labs, 3-D printing, library, co-working space etc. at a subsidized rate.
Moreover, “Gujarat e-marketplace” will be made operational on the Start-up Gujarat Portal, where the start-ups supported by state government can promote their products and services Gujarat
27 Special focus on promotion of Service sector Industries
& Mines DepartmentGovt.
of Gujarat
Scheme summary/key features
MSMEs Service sector is a major contributor to the national GDP. Many services are key inputs for facilitating primary and secondary industries.
Thus, the service sector is a critical lever for enhancing productivity, ease of living and livelihood. With the establishment of several SEZs,
IT parks and most importantly, GIFT City, a conducive ecosystem exists for the service sector industries to expand operations in the state.
Hence, it is decided to extend incentives to Service sector covered in MSME.

In view of the potentiality of service sector, it has been decided to widen the scope of service sector.
Besides the 22 service categories already defined in the Gujarat Industrial Policy 2015, following champion services are identified to cover them under eligible service sector for incentives:
  • Financial services
  • Health services
  • Transport and logistics services
  • Audio Visual services
  • Construction related engineering services
  • Environmental service

MSMEs in service sector

Amount or percentage of subsidy As given below:
Taluka Category Interest Subsidy
Category 1 @7% of term loan amount disbursed with the maximum amount of Rs. 35 lakhs per annum for 7 years
Category 2 @6% of term loan amount disbursed with the maximum amount of Rs. 30 lakhs per annum for 6 years
Category 3
(including Municipal Corporation areas)
@5% of term loan amount disbursed with the maximum amount of Rs. 25 lakhs per annum for 5 years
Additional 1% subsidy will be given to SC/ST entrepreneursThe interest subsidy will be so given that in any case, the unit will have to bear minimum 2% of total interest levied on term loan. Gujarat
28 Reimbursement of expenses incurred for water audit Govt. of Karnataka Scheme summary/key features
Reimbursement of expenses incurred for water audit
MSMEs in the state of Karnataka
Amount or percentage of subsidy As given below:
Water Audit
General category Special category (SC/ST/Women/minorities/physically challenged and ex-servicemen entrepreneurs)
For all zones For all zones
75% subject to a maximum of Rs.1.00 lakh each for water audit (One time) 75% subject to a maximum of Rs.1.00 lakh each for water audit (One time) Karnataka
29 Zero discharge Govt. of Karnataka
Zero discharge
General category Special category (SC/ST/Women/minorities/physically challenged and ex-servicemen entrepreneurs)
For all zones For all zones
50% of cost of equipment (Maximum Rs.7.50 lakh) 50% of cost of equipment (Maximum Rs.8.50 lakh)
Scheme summary/key features
Assistance for zero discharge
Amount or percentage of subsidy As given Above: Karnataka
30 Recycling of electronic waste and plastic waste Govt. of Karnataka Scheme summary/key features
Assistance for recycling electronic waste and plastic waste
Amount or percentage of subsidy As given below:
Recycling of electronic waste
General category Special category (SC/ST/Women/minorities/physically challenged and ex-servicemen entrepreneurs)
For all zones For all zones
5% of VFA (maximum Rs.10 lakh) 5% of VFA (maximum Rs.12 lakh Karnataka
31 Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) Directorate of Industries Govt. of Maharashtra Scheme summary/key features
A basket of incentives, their aggregate amount not exceeding a specified ceiling will be offered to eligible MSME units:
Taluka/Area Classification Maximum Admissible Fixed Capital Investment (in Rs. Crore) Ceiling as % of FCI Eligibility period(Years)
A For the purpose of this policy,
MSME shall include units as per
the MSMED Act, 2006,
as well as the units with FCI
of up to INR 50 crore
- -
B 30% 7
C 40% 7
D 50% 10
D+ 60% 10
Vidarbha, Marathwada, Ratnagiri,Sindhudurg & Dhule 80% 10
No Industry Districts,
NaxalismAffected Areas
* and Aspirational Districts**
100% 10
*Naxalism affected areas as per Government Resolution No.:
PSI -2013/ (CR- 54) /IND-8 Dated 1st April 2013
issued by Government
of Maharashtra Industries, Energy and Labour Department. ** Aspirational
Districts are Osmanabad,
Gadchiroli, Washim and Nandurbar
Eligibility: MSME units in the state of Maharashtra

Amount or percentage of subsidy: As given the Table above Maharashtra
32 Power Tariff Subsidy Directorate of Industries Govt. of Maharashtra Scheme summary/key features
The power tariff subsidy, for eligible new units located (other than A areas) in Vidarbha, Marathwada, North Maharashtra,
and Districts of Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg in Konkan will be to the extent of INR 1/- per unit
consumed and in other areas (except A areas), to the tune of INR 0.5/- per unit consumed for 3 years from
the date of commencement of commercial production.
In areas other than A area, Interest subsidy @ 5 per cent p.a., maximum up to the value

of electricity consumed and bills paid for that year, will be admissible.
Eligibility: Eligible New MSME units

Amount or percentage of subsidy: As given in scheme summary Maharashtra
33 Stamp duty Exemption Directorate of Industries Govt. of Maharashtra Scheme summary/key features
Eligible MSMEs will be entitled to 100 per cent stamp duty exemption within
investment period for acquiring land (including assignment of lease rights and sale certificate) and for term loan purposes.
However, in A and B areas Stamp Duty exemption will be offered only to IT and BT manufacturing units in IT and BT Parks.
Eligible Units under PSI 2013 Scheme will also be eligible for stamp duty exemption for their Investment Period.

Eligibility: Eligible MSMEs

Amount or percentage of subsidy: As given above in the scheme summary/key features Maharashtra
34 Exemption from payment of Electricity Duty Directorate of Industries Govt. of Maharashtra Scheme summary/key features
Eligible New MSMEs in C, D,D+, No industries Districts and Naxalism Affected Area will be entitled to
exemption from payment of electricity duty for tenure equal to the eligibility period.
However, in A and B areas Electricity Duty exemption will be offered to 100 per cent Export Oriented MSMEs and IT/BT units for seven years.

Eligibility: Eligible MSMEs

Amount or percentage of subsidy: As given above in the scheme summary/key features Maharashtra
35 Investment Promotion Subsidy (IPS) on Gross SGST Directorate of Industries Govt. of Maharashtra Scheme summary/key features
Eligible Micro, Small & Medium enterprises & Small Industries as defined above shall be offered
Investment Promotion Subsidy (IPS) on Gross SGST paid by the unit on the first sale
of eligible products billed and delivered to the same entity within Maharashtra.

Eligibility: Eligible MSMEs

Amount or percentage of subsidy: As given above in the scheme summary/key features Maharashtra
36 Various schemes for MSMEs under MSME Policy 2021 Govt. of Tamil Nadu Various schemes under MSME policy 2021 Tamil Nadu

Disclaimer: The information provided is to facilitate access to information. Every effort has been made to verify the correctness of the contents of various Subsidy Schemes. The information and material are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and are without guarantees or warranties of any kind, whatsoever, express or implied as per Privacy and Disclaimer Policy of the Portal. The links to the websites of various subsidy schemes are provided as a convenience to our users. VAPL does not control and is not responsible for any of these sites or their contents. VAPLdoes not guarantee the availability of such linked pages at all times.

iii) PLI Subsidies

PLI scheme offers incentives on incremental sales for products manufactured in India. The first three PLI schemes were approved in March last year followed by 10 new schemes which were notified in November of which six were approved later.

Our End To End Services Includes:

Advising on optimising the benefits

Assistance in preparing the Projection report

Assistance in preparing & filing of the application

Follow-up with the authorities for obtaining the incentive

Sr. No



Capital Outlay


Auto Components & Auto mobile

Automobile, Auto Components

57,042 CR



Drones, Drones Components

120 Cr



Advance Chemistry Cell Batteries

18100 Cr


Electronic System

A.      PLI for Large Scale Electronics Manufacturing

B.      PLI for IT Hardware

Mobile Phones, Specified Electronic components, Laptops, Tablets, All-in one-PC, Servers,

A.      4000 Cr

B.      7325 Cr


Food Processing

Ready to eat/Ready to COOK  RTE/RTC , Marine Products, frutis&Vegatables, Honey, Desi ghee, MozzrellaCheeze, Organic Eggs and poultry meat

10900 Cr


Medical Devices

Medical Device Manufacturing

18420 CR


Metals & mining

Coated Steeel, High strength steel, Steel Rails, A-lly steel bars & rods

6322 Cr




21940 Cr



Renewable Energy

Solar PVs

4500 Cr




  • Core Transmission Equipment
  • 4G/5G, Next Generation Radio Access Network and Wireless Equipment
  • Access & Customer Premises Equipment (CPE), Internet of Things (IoT) Access Devices and Other Wireless Equipment
  • Enterprise equipment: Switches, Router

12195 CR



Textiles & Apparel

  • Man-Made Fiber Segment
  • Technical Textiles

10683 Cr



White Goods

  • Air Conditioners :
  • Air Conditioners Components
  • High Value Intermediates (Copper Tubes, Aluminium Foil and Compressors)
  • Low Value Intermediates (PCB assembly for controllers, BLDC motors, Service Valves and Cross Flow fans for AC and other components)
  • LED Lights
  • LED Lighting Products LED Chips, LED Drivers, LED Engines, Mechanicals, Packaging, Modules, Wire Wound Inductors etc
  • LED Chip Packaging, Resisters, ICs, Fuses etc

6238 Cr

Expert Consultation on all Government Subsidy Schemes


Repository of Knowledge

Get all the information you need on various government subsidy schemes and initiatives to benefit from in just a few steps.

End-to-End Support

We believe in offering the right mix of services to our clients for a balanced approach in terms of gaining access to subsidies and initiatives for optimum benefits.

Single Window Solution

Besides information and assistance with procuring subsidy benefits, you can also get specialized loan syndication, equipment purchase, financing solutions, and more.

Working Capital Solutions

Based on your niche, location, venture, and other factors, we can help arrange the right solutions for working capital requirements by way of cash credit, overdrafts, term loans, and more

Some Areas of Expertise

Vihang Adcon’s dedicated team of experts has been offering services related to the Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme to its clients, procuring for them capital subsidy at 15% of the value of plant and machinery for loans up to INR 1 crore. At the same time, we help theme benefit from Industrial Promotion Subsidy packages for industrial decentralization, NABARD schemes, stamp duty exemption, electricity duty exemption, power tariff subsidy, interest subsidy, energy and water audit, food processing and additional incentives down the line.  

Specific Schemes for Specific Niches

From textiles industries to small and medium enterprises working in specific niches, our experts cater to the subsidy and incentives benefits of all. For instance, we help provide plan support for textiles industries through The Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) in the form of interest reimbursement and capital subsidy. There are also several project loans and finance services for MSMEs including term loans, contract-based working capitals and so on that we can cater to.

Frequently asked question:

Government subsidies and grants can serve as a huge incentive and motivator, especially to small- and medium-sizes businesses that do not have the inherent capacity to work out huge capitals in favour of their operations.
Although these subsidies and incentives are from the government, availing the right choice which you are entitled to comes only with deep knowledge and industry connections, and Vihang Adcon takes pride in serving you with both.
The subsidies and incentives offered by central and state governments are applicable in various sectors and offered by various departments – from agricultural development to MSMEs, textiles and legacy handlooms to automotive, and so on

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