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Whether you are looking to establish a new sales office, distribution center, or manufacturing facility, relocate, expand, and consolidate existing facilities – choosing a business location is really a far-reaching decision and a commitment for years. Choosing the perfect location is undoubtedly trivial but an intricate endeavor that demands a comprehensive process. We manage your project efficiently and successfully and save time, energy, and resources.
Vihang Adcon advisory for Location, Site selection, and feasibility study help you ensure that we will present you with feasible options that best match your project requirements and ideal location profile. Selecting an ideal location is typically done with a combination of top-notch analytical tools, regional expertise, and a process of elimination. An exhaustive analytical process helps ascertain the strengths, weaknesses and evaluate each location’s growth potential. We ensure that proposed/ shortlisted options are best suited along with your strategy concerning costs, target markets, government incentives, and the ability to provide you with a location strategy to induce extra edge benefit.
Vihang Business Location advisory approach will help you compare possible alternatives and identify the most attractive destination. Vihang Business Location Advisory will address the important question for your search for the best possible site/location.
- Discovering the most cost-effective location for establishing the base
- Insights into the business facilitating factors
- Recognizing the availability of skills, resources, and funding
- Benefitting from incentive/promotion schemes and tax benefits
- Deciphering the state and national legal and regulatory scenario
- The understanding overall investment climate within the region
- Assessing the most attractive markets.
Vihang Adcon will utilize a mix of primary and secondary research methods, financial analysis skills, and industry knowledge to collect relevant information to execute the study.
Country / State Level Parameters
- Infrastructure availability
- Socio-Political environment
- Industrial Investments including FDI
- Ease of Doing Business
- New/ Existing Industrial Centers
Factors of Production
Client Industry Factors
Asses the Most Significant Drivers for Business Location & Feasibility
Growth Flexibility
Organizational Transformation
Detailed Insights and Informed Decision-Making with Vihang Adcon
Before committing funding to an idea or proposed venture, you would want to assess in detail its viability based on both current and future markets. At the same time, whether establishing a new business location or relocating, expanding, or consolidating existing facilities, a location feasibility assessment can help make far-reaching decisions with responsibility. With a long history of providing world-class consultation and advisory services, we are experts in providing tailored solutions for such business needs.
What Sets Us Apart?
Our location and business feasibility services are tailored for each client, sector, and industry that we work with, and can be broken down into five carefully curated stages of development. Starting from defining your venture’s objectives, requirements, risks, and strategies, we offer pre-selection data collection and analysis for elimination of less-qualified options. This is followed by a thorough initial assessment in terms of business environment, with frequent site visits. The final two stages involve an advanced assessment of location/business feasibility assessment and internal reviews before the final decision.